LifeTec is a social enterprise that provides dedicated Assistive Technology (AT) services. Our aim is to enable people of all ages and abilities to actively engage in home, work, school and community life.
Established in 1981, Lifetec has a team of health professionals including occupational therapists,
speech pathologists and physiotherapists who
have a passion for AT.
For your convenience, you can access fact sheets from this page to build upon your knowledge on topics related to Assistive Technology.
This information will give you hints and tips so you can be equipped with impartial advice to make the right decisions to meet your needs.
Assistive Technology Stories
Our Services
Assistive Technology Assessment
& Trial
With a team of health professionals we can provide assistive technology assessments for NDIS,
My Aged Care and private assistive technology services to enable independence. We can identify complex AT solutions for recreation, sport, leisure, mobility, seating, transfer and lifting and more.
Complex Home
A house is a place where someone can live, but a home is a place where they feel comfortable and safe.
We can assists in creating comfortable spaces to live independently through simple and complex home modifications and the integration of disability equipment that caters to the individual’s needs.