Disability Insiders provides help with:
Training in Planning and Plan Management
Support Connection
Coordination of Supports
Disability Consultancy
Disability Advocacy
Community Workshops
Financial Administration of NDIS Plans
Disability Support Worker Recruitment
In our society, over the last fifty years, life has changed immensely.
Distance, family breakdown, caring responsibilities and our 24/7 culture have all
contributed to less connectedness between families and communities.
Isolation and loneliness are increasingly the symbols of our society, for the elderly,
those with disabilities, carers and even younger people as well.
There is a wonderful African proverb: “It takes a village to raise a child” – while it recognises that parenting is a communal affair, I take it further in my belief that we should be ‘family’ to others in our community, giving and receiving mutual help and support.
Being part of a village is hard work, but our lives and the lives of those around us are richer for it.
Planning and
Plan Management Training
Training in Planning and Plan Management – funded under Capacity Building Support Coordination or through Core Supports for anyone who is Self-Managed or Plan Managed.
This service is restricted to NDIS participants only.
This training is one on one time with participants to help them develop the skills to eventually administer
and manage their own plan.
Support Connection
Support Connection – funded under Capacity Building Support Coordination or through Core Supports for anyone who is Self-Managed or Plan Managed.
This service is restricted to NDIS participants only. Support Connection is normally delivered by the Local Area Coordinators in each region.
If Local Area Coordinators are not available, we are able to deliver this service.
It is assistance for NDIS participants to implement their plan by strengthening their ability to navigate the broader system of community and mainstream supports. Support Connection can also help a participant to understand the various aspects of their NDIS plan, assist in the management of supports and help with problem solving.
Coordination of Supports – funded under Capacity Building Support Connection or through Core Supports for anyone who is Self-Managed or Plan Managed. This service is restricted to NDIS participants only. Coordination of supports is assistance for NDIS participants to develop their ability to design and build their support system across a complex service delivery environment.
It is also focused on supporting participants to direct their lives, rather than just their supports. Coordination of supports can include resolving crisis, and assisting the Participant’s support network to develop resilience. It can also include assisting participants to prepare for their annual review, attending the annual review meeting, helping to negotiate prices, services and service agreements.
Coordination of Supports
Disability Consultancy
Consultancy – funded privately by anyone in the community or through Core Supports for NDIS participants who are Self-Managed or Plan Managed. Disability Consultancy can begin with an obligation free introductory meeting. We can assist you with or completely manage your access request to NDIS, in addition to assisting persons with disability to prepare for their initial NDIS Planning Meeting or their annual review, attending the planning meeting or annual review meeting, preparing budgets, helping to negotiate prices, services and service agreements.
Consultancy can include assistance for persons with disability and their families to develop their ability to design and build their support system across a complex service delivery environment.
It is also focused on supporting participants to direct their lives, rather than just their supports. Consultancy can include resolving crisis and assisting the person’s
support network to develop resilience.
Financial Administration
of NDIS Plans
Financial Administration - funded privately by anyone in the
community or through Core Supports for NDIS participants who are
Self-Managed or Plan Managed.
Financial Administration can include providing regular assistance to the participant for undertaking tasks associated with the management of their supports, including assisting participants to engage providers, develop service agreements, pay providers, claim payment from the NDIA and maintaining records in preparation for auditing procedures.
Disability Support
Worker Recruitment
Staff recruitment – funded privately by anyone in the community or through Core Supports for NDIS participants who are Self-Managed or Plan Managed.
Staff recruitment can help participants to directly employ their own staff.
Our recruitment processes include the construction of Code of Conduct,
Position Description and Application Form, advertising, shortlisting, interviewing,
screening and selection and appointment of disability support workers.
Our recruitment processes will also manage all of your compliance requirements including information and privacy management, ATO requirements and Fair Work requirements. Our support can also extend to the development of appropriate care plans, daily records and medication administration records if required – Ask for a quote if you are interested.